About Us
The Modern Library

In old times, problem with learning used to be the scarcity of knowledge, gained mostly from books, articles, newspapers, audio & video programmes. Classical libraries, radio and TV solved this problem.

In this age, knowledge is abundant. Old knowledge went online. In addition to these, we got podcasts, online courses, tweetstorms, and many more.

We are struggling to navigate through this chaos of abundance to learn and improve. We jump from platform to platform to find relevant knowledge. We try to find the content created or recommended by the people we trust or consider as experts.

In this process, we are scattered around Youtube videos, Amazon books, Medium articles, Twitter threads...

Upcarta is solving this problem by aggregating content and curations from domain experts. And by following the People and Topics you are interested in, we serve you a personalized feed and platform experience that inspires you on what to read, watch or listen to next.

Contact us at: hello@upcarta.com
Or on Twitter @upcarta