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The Internet of Money #1

The Internet of Money

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While many books explain the how of bitcoin, The Internet of Money delves into the why of bitcoin. Acclaimed information-security expert and author of Mastering Bitcoin, Andreas M. Antonopoulos examines and contextualizes the significance of bitcoin through a series of essays spanning the exhilarating maturation of this technology. Bitcoin, a technological breakthrough quietly introduced to the world in 2008, is transforming much more than finance. Bitcoin is disrupting antiquated industries to bring financial independence to billions worldwide. In this book, Andreas explains why bitcoin is a financial and technological evolution with potential far exceeding the label “digital currency.” Andreas goes beyond exploring the technical functioning of the bitcoin network by illuminating bitcoin’s philosophical, social, and historical implications. As the internet has essentially transformed how people around the world interact and has permanently impacted our lives in ways we never could have imagined, bitcoin -- the internet of money -- is fundamentally changing our approach to solving social, political, and economic problems through decentralized technology.

200 pages, Kindle Edition

Published August 29, 2016

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About the author

Andreas M. Antonopoulos

15 books626 followers
Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin. He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin”, published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin and “The Internet of Money”, a book about why bitcoin matters.

As an engaging public speaker, teacher and writer, Andreas makes complex subjects accessible and easy to understand. As an advisor, he helps startups recognize, evaluate, and navigate security and business risks. Andreas was also one of the first to use the phrase “The Internet of Money”, as early as 2013, to describe bitcoin as part of his speaking business.

As a bitcoin entrepreneur, Andreas has founded a number of bitcoin businesses and launched several community open-source projects. He is a widely published author of articles and blog posts on bitcoin, is a permanent host on the popular Let’s Talk Bitcoin Podcast, and a frequent speaker at technology and security conferences worldwide.

Andreas offers strategic consulting to a small number of crypto-currency companies that are aligned with his interests. He also offers expert witness testimony as an expert in the security, technical details and use of crypto-currencies, worldwide.

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3 reviews
September 23, 2017

I bought this book, because the work of people like Nick Szabo, Vinay Gupta and Vitalek Buterin is spread all over the Internet in blogs and YouTube videos, whereas this author, also known to be very technically knowledgeable on bitcoins, cryptocurrency and blockchain, compiled all of his lectures into a book with an audio format you could listen to while making breakfast. Unfortunately he doesn't share any real knowledge in these lectures. It's just like a really mediocre TED X lecture about 'all of the exciting possibilities' that goes hours over the original 15 minutes allotted to it. Most of these lectures are available on YouTube for free. I'd strongly recommend watching a few before wasting money on this book.
Profile Image for د.أمجد الجنباز.
Author 3 books787 followers
March 5, 2018
إن كان كل ما تعرفه عن البيتكوين والعمل المشفرة الأخرى هو أنها:
وهمية ... فقاعة ..... ستندثر .....نصب ........ ستموت .... الخ
فستحتاج بشدة لقراءة هذا الكتاب
الذي يعرفك على هذه الثورة التقنية
وكيف أنها ستغير العالم، تماما كثورة الانترنت
كما سيحكي ما حدث في بدايات التقنيات كالكهرباء والسيارة والانترنت، وكيف أنها جميعا بدأت بمعارضة مشابه لما يحدث للبيتكوين
Profile Image for Murtaza .
680 reviews3,392 followers
February 4, 2021
This is a rare book that is in fact just a collection of someone's YouTube videos that others have taken the time to transcribe and publish. Many of the talks are a bit repetitive, but that said I did learn some more about Bitcoin and its existence as effectively an independent public ledger on which people can transcribe transactions that have taken place among these 21 million units of currency. The author is extremely tech-positive and makes good points about networked forms of organization are replacing hierarchy, with internet currency going to war against banks during our generation. Anyone who has seen what social media has done to traditional news organizations can get a picture of the conflict here. Cryptocurrency is given power by the fact that people accept it, the same way that people in an Asian country might choose to accept British Pounds or U.S. dollars. The one thing that makes Bitcoin in particular attractive is its finite supply means that it is more likely to hold value, even better than gold perhaps, while its ease of transfer and usability connects the entire world economically with the touch of a button. The old gatekeepers have pronounced this upstart dead many times, as Antonopolous notes, but it is still here and getting stronger.
Profile Image for George.
60 reviews47 followers
October 1, 2017
"The Internet of Money" by Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a solid introduction to the phenomenon of Bitcoin and other decentralized digital currencies. Antonopoulos explores the social, historical, political, economic, and philosophical dimensions of decentralized currencies.

This short book began as a series of presentations - most of which can still be seen via videos on the Internet.

I recommend this book to anyone interested in exploring many of the implications of decentralized currencies.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


Narrated by: Stephanie Murphy
Length: 4 hours and 8 minutes 
Unabridged Audiobook
Release Date: 2017-05-02
Publisher: Merkle Bloom LLC
Profile Image for Amin.
392 reviews396 followers
March 28, 2024
If you look for an informative book that explains the concepts clearly to learn more about bitcoin as a system and go beyond the existing transaction fever, the majority of this text especially in the first half would be disappointing. I know Andreas has been an important figure in popularizing the subject, but judging only based on this book, I shall say in most of these transcribed and edited lectures, he has been tried to be inspirational rather than informative. So, at the end you might be either inspired or disappointed without being necessarily informed, as most information is already known or is as trivial as what you can find with a simple search. As an example of his inspirational tone (in chapter 3):

"If they attack bitcoin, it evolves to defend itself against predators, just like any species. If they attack bitcoin anonymity, it evolves to become more anonymous. If they attack its resilience, it evolves to become more decentralized."

The exception is mainly in chapters 7 - where he discusses the issue of a myriad of altcoins, and slightly in chapters 9-10, where he discusses new elements such as content-type nature of bitcoin and its elementary structure.

He shows he has studied the history of systems which he is interested in or are related to the blockchain technology and bitcoin, such as the advances in banking and internet. However, he fails to answer the natural questions he raises even if the answers are not difficult.

For instance he mentioned several time that contrary to banking, size of transactions does not matter and "the fee will be exactly the same" or "the only relevant question [for a legitimate transaction] is did you pay a sufficient fee to use the network resources?" but he does not address who will receive the fee and how such actors will or will not become dominant or decision makers in the future of a decentralized technology, who decides on the sufficiency? (although in the very last chapter the concept of demand and capacity of wallets is briefly surfaced).

Or he says "we call that [traditional such as banking] architecture client-server. Bitcoin is different because it's peer-to-peer just like email." but fails to address if there is a role such as the email provider in this new architecture. He says "Every single financial system in the world has a security and trust model that requires excluding bad actors." but there is not much about bitcoin security in the book, but he answers that "if you win that [mining] competition, you get bitcoin as a reward. That simple equation creates a system of incentives where it's far better to play with the rules than against the rules. It's game theory." or provides insufficient abstract answers: "bitcoin works fine with plenty of bad actors right in the core of the system because there is no core of the system; there is no center. It's a completely decentralized system", implying that decentralized systems don't need security!

He says "If you bank with a big bank, it’s their network, it’s their policy, you’re using their debit card, playing by their rules, and if you don’t like it, you can go elsewhere and discover that they’re all the same. Bitcoin is an opt-in system. You choose to use it. You choose what apps you’re going to run. You choose who you’re going to interact with." But does not answer the question that how developers in the new system are different and how we can trust them.

He distorts reality to reach to his own conclusions. For instance he asserts that in competition between banks, whenever they innovate they exclude the other competitors which creates the tragedy of commons. So, he forgets the whole idea of knowledge spill-over and the important of IPs. Or on the abandonment of authority in bitcoin he says "We arrived at a world where The New York Times prints bullshit that sends an entire nation into war, and an Egyptian blogger on the front lines of a revolution prints the truth that nobody wants to hear. Suddenly, the world is upside down", so that we believe NYT has no power now or no one trusts it!

He is also quite self-promoting and wants to create the impression that he knew the future of technologies when no one was believing in them. For instance he says:

"When I first saw Linux, I said, 'Man, this is going to change operating systems forever. IBM is going down.' Everybody laughed at me. When I saw the first web browser and the first website, I said, 'Every single company in America is going to have a website within a decade.' Everyone laughed at me"

or later says:

"In 1992, when I visited the first website, my thought was, Wow, TV is so dead because one day we will be able to transmit movies instantaneous".

So, read it cautiously and with adjusted expectations :)
Profile Image for Íris.
243 reviews70 followers
February 1, 2018
Estamos neste momento a presenciar a adopção em larga escala da maior invenção após a internet.


Quando a internet nasceu ninguém acreditaria que se tornaria algo tão viral cuja inexistência hoje seria impossível de imaginar. Uma e outra vez toda a gente juraria que a internet não tinha capacidade para a demanda que vinha a aumentar dia após dia. Acreditávamos que a internet não conseguia aguentar com os nossos textos quilométricos via e-mail. Acreditávamos que a internet só tinha suporte para aguentar um website. Em pleno 1992 uma tarde chegava para visitar toda a web. Não achávamos que ela teria muito uso para além de contactos por escrito de forma periódica e ocasional. Chegaram a dizer mesmo que a humanidade não precisaria mais do que uns cinco computadores no mundo inteiro. Hoje existem mais computadores do que pessoas.

Em 2008, após a grande crise do mercado imobiliário nos Estados Unidos, uma pessoa ou grupo de pessoas sob o pseudónimo de Satoshi Nakamoto - que até hoje nos é desconhecido - criou, discretamente, uma plataforma que viria a mudar o mundo. Esta plataforma é o bitcoin.
O bitcoin é muito mais do que uma moeda. Para quem tem acompanhado as notícias provavelmente já ouviu rumores sobre este gigante que vem tomando o espaço financeiro e que já tem o seu próprio mercado onde compete com outras moedas digitais. O bitcoin permite a qualquer pessoa em qualquer parte do mundo enviar e receber dinheiro a taxas fixas mínimas. Uma transacção normal pelo banco, que demoraria vários dias entre bancos de países diferentes, no mundo do bitcoin demora apenas meia hora. Graças à tecnologia da blockchain podemos ver todas as transacções que acontecem a toda a hora a partir de qualquer lugar. Basta que todas as máquinas conectadas à rede vejam a transacção como legítima que o dinheiro chega ao seu destino sem o mínimo problema.

Isto resolve vários problemas: a invasão de privacidade por parte das organizações estatais e bancárias, o poder autoritário e severo dos governos sobre o seu povo, as taxas exorbitantes cobradas por empresas de câmbio como Western Union, a falta de acesso ao banco em países de terceiro mundo, a falta de acesso ao nosso banco graças a burocracias que nos fazem duvidas da nossa autonomia e poder sobre o dinheiro pelo qual trabalhamos.

Há alguns meses que já tenho vindo a estudar isto. E, de facto, para quem está a começar, parece algo demasiado bom. Não pode ser tão fácil, tão barato. Mas quando tiramos o intermediário da equação também retiramos gastos desnecessários. Deixamos que as máquinas trabalhem por nós - as máquinas não querem saber quem somos, para quem o dinheiro vai, para que fim é utilizado - tudo o que a blockchain pretende saber é se pagamos a taxa mínima. Não existe desigualdade social, não existe preconceito, não existem burocracias ou xenofobia que impeça a transacção de ser efectuada. As máquinas não nos julgam. As máquinas simplesmente atendem à solução de equações que permitem que as transacções entrem no livros de registo da moeda virtual (blockchain).

O bitcoin é uma moeda impossível de inflacionar. Assim como o ouro. Não podemos criar mais ouro do que aquele que existe. Em toda a blockchain só existirão para sempre 21 milhões de bitcoins. É impossível criar mais. E é isso que torna o bitcoin tão apetecível. Sendo impossível de inflacionar ele torna-se, obviamente, o maior competidor das moedas como hoje as conhecemos. Os governos podem imprimir dinheiro a seu bel-prazer quando uma dificuldade se avizinha, ou como forma de manipular os mercados, levando as pessoas a receber o mesmo salário e gastando mais dinheiro para comprar os mesmos produtos de sempre. Isto cria rupturas muito graves, e entramos num ciclo vicioso. Volta e meia precisamos criar uma nova moeda e começar tudo do zero. Tomemos a Venezuela como exemplo, onde neste momento 1 bolívar vale menos do que 1 azeroth, moeda virtual do mundo de World of Warcraft. E facilmente vemos nas notícias o que está a acontecer: as pessoas de classe média neste momento podem apenas sonhar em conseguir comida nos contentores do lixo, as manifestações violentas são cada vez maiores, as crimes violentos nunca foram tão numerosos, e a única forma que algumas pessoas têm tido de sobreviver é através do bitcoin. Graças ao bitoin conseguem manter ou até mesmo aumentar os seus rendimentos, comprar no estrangeiro bens não-perecíveis para poderem continuar a alimentar-se e a sobreviver. Muitos mineradores conseguem roubar energia em zonas industriais desertas para poderem alimentar a família e conseguir ter uma vida digna. É a este ponto que a inflação leva um país. Uma moeda de valor especulativo perde todo o seu poder, levando consigo milhões de pessoas para o abismo e retirando-lhes toda a sua dignidade. O bitcoin entra nestes mercados com todo o potencial para o qual foi criado: como uma segurança para pessoas em situações de necessidade extrema. Elas voltam a recuperar o poder sobre o seu dinheiro. Elas passam a ser o seu próprio banco.

Mas o bitcoin é mais do que uma moeda. É uma plataforma. Sobre esta plataforma podemos criar a nossa própria receita. Podemos criar a nossa moeda. Podemos criar um programa que ajude o dinheiro a chegar às pessoas mais desfavorecidas. Podemos criar um sistema de voto baseado na blockchain que é infalível e implacável contra tentativas de corrupção. Quando entregávamos uma actividade que era dominada pelas vontades e desejos do ser humano, tudo acabava, inevitavelmente, por ser adulterado graças à ganância, erro ou falha humanas. Com as máquinas isso não acontece, pois elas fazem apenas aquilo para o qual foram programadas. Com a blockchain é possível ter eleições transparentes, impossíveis de manipular, editar ou eliminar. A contagem de votos é infalível e correcta. Podemos criar uma forma de fazer pagamentos automático e débitos directos de forma inteligente com smart contracts graças à plataforma Ethereum, que veio após o Bitcoin. Podemos tratar da escritura da casa através destes contratos, podemos criar uma moeda que permita que as doações cheguem inteiras a quem realmente as merece, sem intermediários no meio para as desviar, problema que vemos com muita frequência e que leva muita gente a preferir não fazer donativos. Podemos criar uma plataforma imutável que monitora a comida desde o lugar onde é cultivada até chegar aos nossos pratos. As possibilidades são infinitas, e quem entra agora neste meio tem a capacidade não só de ficar milionário como também de mudar o mundo para melhor. Podemos resolver o grande problema que a humanidade sempre teve: ceder às suas vontades e fraquezas, levando todas as outras pessoas à decadência e impotência económica.

A revolução é agora e aconselho toda a gente a participar dela.
Quem estiver interessado pode vir falar pessoalmente comigo. Todos temos a ganhar com isto.
Profile Image for ron btdtbttsawio.
54 reviews10 followers
October 20, 2016
This is a very engaging book that is based on a series of lectures which can be found on youtube.

The author eloquently and enthusiastically compares bitcoin (which he considers a disruptive technology) with other disruptive technologies such as the automobile, electricity, the internet, and others.

Just as those emerging technologies had to fight the popular misconceptions (for example, why would you buy and drive a car on a muddy road full of potholes with nowhere to buy gas, when you can use a horse), bitcoin has to fight all the negative hype associated with the concept of the internet of money.

I think this author, and others, are correct. We are in the middle of a very disruptive but positive technology.
Bitcoin and other altcoins are going to change the whole concept of banking. Billions of unbanked people around the world can now be their own bank with nothing more than a cheap cell phone. They can send money around the world almost instantly. There are no banking hours or bank service fees or frozen accounts. Money (altcoin) will be programmable. There will be smart contracts, micro transactions and governments can’t pressure financial institutions to shut down organizations they don’t like (as the American government did to wikileaks).

Oddly, the author doesn’t explain the blockchain in this book. A blockchain is just a financial ledger but is probably the most important ingredient of altcoins.

For more info about the blockchain and bitcoin, look on youtube for a series of short videos by Amanda B. Johnson. She does a great job of explaining it. Also check out ‘bitcoin 101, the blackboard series’ by James D’angelo and of course the author's videos.

Profile Image for Mehrsa.
2,235 reviews3,631 followers
July 29, 2019
This is just really strong koolaid for the already drunk on bitcoin. He clobbers straw man argument after straw man argument and calls everyone who isn't convinced bitcoin is the answer to all of the world's problems a luddite.
Profile Image for Johan Nguyen.
29 reviews1 follower
July 27, 2018
The author must be a poymath to write such an outstanding book that can totally change people’s perspective about money. A must-read in a near-decentralized world
Profile Image for Public Scott.
644 reviews26 followers
January 17, 2018
Very good. If you're interested in Bitcoin or blockchain this is a great place to start learning. Antonopoulos does a nice job knocking down a lot of the critiques you'll hear about Bitcoin as simply flash in the pan or a tulip-frenzy bubble. The author has a real knack for reaching back in history to find relevant metaphors for understanding the kind of potential that Bitcoin represents.

The concept of infrastructure inversion in particular was very eye opening for me. As Antonopoulos describes, when cars initially came on the scene they were using infrastructure built for horses. Dirt roads and no street signs meant early cars were always getting stuck in the mud and crashing. People pointed at this as proof that cars would never catch on. But over time infrastructure was built for cars. Horses could still use paved roads, but so could skateboards and scooters and all other manner of conveyance that were impossible to imagine before the infrastructure inversion. A similar phenomenon happened with the internet. Early internet depended on phone lines and infrastructure built for voice communication. Once infrastructure for internet was built we got Youtube and Goodreads and all the things that were impossible to imagine before the infrastructure inversion. So it goes with bitcoin. We are unlikely to tap the full potential of bitcoin and blockchain until the infrastructure inversion happens. But once it does, watch out! Great stuff.
Profile Image for Luis Michel.
6 reviews7 followers
January 10, 2018
This is a great introduction to the esoteric magic internet money. If you don't know what bitcoin is or if you know the basics but want to know more, Mr. Antonopoulos gives us great analogies and information to help us understand the concept and the implications of this technology. I gave it 4/5 because, due to the nature of the book (separate conference talks compiled together), at times I found it a bit repetitive in the beginning of each chapter.

From the moment I became aware of bitcoin as a thing I never saw beyond the currency value until I watched and read Mr. Antonopoulos insights and learn what this technology implies and the posibilities that it offers. There is no going back.
Profile Image for Helen.
40 reviews3 followers
July 18, 2022
Good lord, that was 123 pages of this guy masturbating furiously over bitcoin. I still have no idea how bitcoin works or why it's so great, only that it's of great use to Kenyan seed farmers. (Can you actually buy seeds with cryptocurrency? He didn't say...) This book is for bitcoin fanatics already in the loop so they can be told how great they are for sticking it to the man. If you want an explanation of how it works and the positive and negative effects of such technology, this absolutely isn't it.
Profile Image for Kerem.
396 reviews13 followers
January 10, 2021
If you know nothing about bitcoin, you can get some ideas about it from the book. Though it doesn't dive deep into any topic, you might feel unclear after all. Certainly part of this is the fact that Blockchain isn't a straightforward area and needs a lot of time and effort. But also partly you wonder if Andreas could do a better job in at least some of these talks.

As it's a collection of talks, reading gets a bit hard often as there's no audience engagement. And there's quite a bit of repetition, not sure if that could be avoided if he chose other talks, but I guess there's always going to be some overlaps between talks delivered in different venues, events and countries. Still overall a good (and fast) read.
Profile Image for Phakin.
470 reviews158 followers
September 18, 2021
แทบจะถอดเทปมาจากการบรรยายเลย แต่ถึงแม้จะตามฟังในยูทูปมาเยอะแล้ว เนื้อหาหลายส่วนก็คุ้นๆ อยู่ แต่ส่วนตัวก็ยังรู้สึกว่าเป็นงานพื้นฐานที่มีประโยชน์มาก ควรแปลเป็นไทยอย่างยิ่ง ชวนให้มองบิตคอยน์ในหลายๆ มุมที่ในช่วงแรกๆ ที่เริ่มศึกษาไม่เคยมอง เสียดายที่รู้จัก andreas ช้าไป

คุณสมบัติทีต่างมากๆ เมื่อเทียบกับกูรูบิตคอยน์คนอื่นๆ คือความเป็นการเมืองในทัศนะของคนเขียน เวลามองบิตคอยน์ มันคือการต่อสู้ มันคือการเปลี่ยนแปลง มันคือพลังในการท้าทายอำนาจของรัฐ เซนส์แบบนี้มีให้เห็นอยู่บ้างในกลุ่มคนเขียร์บิตคอยน์ในไทย แต่ความต่างๆ คือ andreas ไม่ได้แสดงทัศนะแบบขวาสุดโต่งลิเบอทาเรียนที่มองโลกแบบดำ-ขาว นักการเมืองทุกคนเลวหมดอะไรแบบนั้น แต่ยังชี้ให้เห็นด้วยบิตคอยน์ในฐานะเทคโนโลยีอาจจะช่วยให้เกิดการเมืองที่โปร่งใสและมีประสิทธิภาพกว่านี้ได้ยังไง

ควรอ่านครับ ไม่ว่าจะคิดยังไงกับบิตคอยน์ก็ตาม ไม่อยากเสียตังค์ไปที่นี่โลด > https://www.youtube.com/user/aantonop
6 reviews
November 6, 2020
Luego de años de querer leerlo finalmente lo termino. Es increible que el dia que logro acabarlo es el dia que bitcoin alcanza el el maximo valor despues de 3 años de aquella gran caída, solo me queda el remordimiento de no haber guardado tantos satoshis a como quisiera, pero igual que el autor sigo valorando por mucho mas la tecnologia y lo que esta representa, que su valor monetario como tal. Muy buena lectura introductoria para cualquier persona que quiera entender mas sobre esta tecnologia disruptiva.
19 reviews6 followers
July 5, 2020
Pretty repetitive but overall a good intro to Bitcoin.
Profile Image for Alex.
33 reviews6 followers
January 17, 2021
Not an entirely useful read as it's essentially a collection of notes from Andreas' YouTube videos, and does not dive deep for Bitcoin enthusiasts, nor does it strongly explain the basics for beginners.

Not sure who the demographic was for this.
Profile Image for Oakley Merideth.
163 reviews15 followers
September 14, 2020
Wow...this is a remarkably stupid book. I just recently finished The Bitcoin Standard and thought it would be good to learn some more details about this new hard money and its associated technological architecture. This title kept popping up and after merely perusing the table of contents it looked like it would impart some highly valuable information. Well, I read through the first three talks and learned absolutely nothing whatsoever. Instead of detail and clarity you get a vague pitchman who keeps shouting "disrupt, disrupt, disrupt!" and "radical!" but cannot actually explain any of the technical, philosophical, or even economic features of Bitcoin. All that is offered here is a very poor explanation of hard money, a bunch of "this is gunna change the world!" talk, horribly proffered analogies that merely obscure as opposed to clarify ("our current banking system is Client Server, not Peer to Peer!"....ok.....and what does that ACTUALLY mean? Oh...you are already moving onto your next topic...thanks....) and some incredibly grating prose: "I am a disruptarian." Really, just read The Bitcoin Standard.
Profile Image for Laurent Michiels.
30 reviews8 followers
November 11, 2017
Using analogies with earlier technological disruptions such as automobiles and the Internet, the book explains a rather complex concept in layman's terms. I particularly liked the chapter 'Currency as a Language' (which takes a more philosophical view on currencies) and 'Bitcoin Design Principles' (about skeuomorphic design problems associated with Bitcoin).

Do however not expect an in-depth analysis of the underlying technology or applications. In addition, it's true that the book sometimes repeats itself because some topics come back in a handful of talks; but this didn't bother me too much. After all, repetition makes ideas stick. Also, the fact that a quote is repeated and italicized on almost every page does not improve the reading experience.

In sum, I think Andreas did an extremely good job at what he intended to do -- that is, to make a broad audience excited about Bitcoin. As he puts it: "Bitcoin is a bit like an onion. You have to unwrap it. As you unwrap it, you find one more layer."

Let's continue peeling that onion!
Profile Image for Skyler Jokiel.
18 reviews1 follower
July 28, 2017
A great collection of talks that will get you excited about blockchain!
Profile Image for Jeff.
122 reviews
January 8, 2018
An essential read in 2018 - as the world of "money" is being turned on it's head by crypto currencies like Bitcoin in this once in a generation event, Andreas does a wonderful job of explaining using metaphors based on the "money" systems we are used to and when such metaphors are not applicable. Interesting format - it's a summary of talks he's done. I also strongly suggest watching his talks on video, his passion really comes through.
Profile Image for Jazmin Jorquera.
81 reviews1 follower
January 12, 2019
Me encantó, un agrado leer un libro en español sobre bitcoin, sobre todo de alguien tan relevante como Andreas. Es un excelente libro para incluso comenzar e introducirse en las criptotecnologias
Profile Image for Salman Ansari.
Author 1 book14 followers
December 22, 2017
This will change the way you think about Bitcoin, money, and its potential to totally change the way our global economy works. I’m definitely gonna need to read this a few times.

NOTE: This is just a collection of his talks, so if you prefer video those are all available on YouTube. I just like being able to read and highlight etc... though I may end up watching all the talks anyway. I started highlighting which talks to watch in the book, before realizing I was just highlighting them all...incredible content.
Profile Image for BLACK CAT.
526 reviews12 followers
April 17, 2018
Amazing! Bitcoin, the internet of money! Well-written, funny and super-informative.

Some key concepts:

Trustless: evaluate rules without human intervention and be trusted without humans. Independent validation of the blockchain - self-verifying system.

Personless: autonomous financial entity with no human ownership.

The blockchain: Platform with trust functions.
Profile Image for Varadharajan.
30 reviews7 followers
March 29, 2021
It is an argumentative take from a crypto fanboy on why it works and why it might continue to work. For a subject that could be dry for the uninitiated, I believe this can be very engaging.

In a world that's going more decentralized, this short read could give you that necessary introduction on why digital currencies could be the future.
9 reviews1 follower
December 31, 2019
Worth every penny

Very good introduction to bitcoin alsp useful for people that do understand what bitcoin is, but do not understand what bitcoin isn't and how it will eventually change the lives of the people.
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18 reviews1 follower
January 14, 2018
Andreas ir labs stāstnieks, vienmēr ar patiesu interesi skatos viņa lekcijas. Tomēr, ja izlasi pārdesmit lekciju atreferējumus, var manīt divas lietas: 1) čalis ir ļoti gudrs un pārliecina, ka nekas vēl nav beidzies, 2) viņam patīk atkārtoties.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 372 reviews

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